Netherlands begins monthly testing of raw milk

Mandatory raw milk pathogen testing is currently required four time per year for salmonella and twice per year for staphylococcus aureus in the Netherlands.

New raw milk rules

January 1st, raw milk farmers in Netherlands will be required to test their milk once per month for bacteria such as salmonella, campylobacter and stec. Farmers are estimating this increase in testing will cost them 1350 euros a year.

Raw milk is regulated at the state level in the United States. Most states where raw milk is legal to be sold in grocery stores or on-the-farm require monthly testing.

Read more on De Stentor (archive)

Milktaps vending raw milk

Raw milk is widely distributed via milk taps in Europe, or “melktaps” in the Netherlands. Customers can access the milk taps 24/7 and refill the container they bring with them.

This is an excellent system for container reuse, but farmers may switch to bottling to minimize food loss due to imperfect sealing and refrigeration in milk tap systems.

Find raw milk in the Netherlands

Raw milk is available in the Netherlands.

Further media

Salland Centraal: At Erve ‘t Overweg, the milk tap will continue to flow next year