Maasai tribe forcefully evicted in Loliondo, Tanzania

The Maasai are mentioned a lot around ancestral nutrition circles for their diet of raw milk, raw meat, raw honey, and very little else.

Approximately 70,000 of The Maasai are currently getting forced out of their pastoral lands in Loliondo, Tanzania.

Thanks to Ilse Köhler-Rollefson for spreading the word on Twitter.

If you’re ever in Sadri, Rajasthan you can buy some raw milk from Ilse and India’s Camel Nomads.


They’re a pastoral tribe, they herd cattle and from those cows they get most of their nutrition for their animal based diet.

Population is just under 1.2 million in Kenya, and 800,000 in Tanzania where they’ve historically occupied three areas that are now composed of one National Park and two Conservation Areas.

Maasai tribe land map Tanzania

In 1959, the Maasai were driven out of what is now the Serengeti National Park into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Dubai hunting tourism moving in

In 1992, Tanzania began issuing permits on 4,000 square kilometres of land to a hunting tourism company called Otterlo. The hunting tourism company is owned by Dubai Royals.

The government of Tanzania argues that the area is overpopulated and that the Maasai are affecting the wildlife in the area.

Al Jazeera: Why are Tanzania’s Maasai being forced off their ancestral land?

Redd-Monitor’s article has quotes from many locals.

Article from the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs: Urgent Alert: 70,000 Maasai in Loliondo, Tanzania, face another forceful eviction

Article from The ICCA Consortium: Alert: Indigenous and human rights defenders in Tanzania stand strong against threat of evictions in Ngorongoro

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